Henley Women’s and Marlow regattas 2024

In mid-June, the squad descended back down the M4 to Henley and Dorney for another important weekend of racing.

Due to an exam clashing with the HWR time trials, the women’s first eight made the unusual decision to race Marlow regatta in the men’s eights events this year (as UL ‘B’ alongside the Temple crew) to ensure they had the best Henley Royal prep possible.

The Friday in Henley saw the Women’s squad race the academic eights (Island ‘B’), academic coxless four, aspirational double, and development coxed four events. The development four was knocked out in the TT after their first run down the Henley track, and the other crews making it to heats. The academic four was knocked out by eventual winners Durham on the Friday afternoon. Similarly, the aspirational double was knocked out by a strong Aegir (NED) crew. On the Saturday, the academic eight (affectionately named the ‘StuV’) beat Newcastle by 4 1/2 lengths to progress through to the Sunday. After a strong row they fell short to a fast Brookes crew by 1L in the semi-final.

At Marlow regatta, UL entered the two PA crews in Championship and University coxed fours, and the Temple and Island A in Championship Eights. After the TTs, crews were seeded into straight finals of mixed categories (ie. championship eights racing alongside university and club eights etc.). The PA ‘A’ crew placed 3rd in the A final behind two Brookes crews, finishing 2nd in the championship 4+ event. Island A had a very fast final, finishing in a time of 6:15.6 (which from memory is one of the fastest domestic W8+ times of recent years!), beating Surrey B and various college crews. A highlight of the race from the bank was the Surrey cox at 500m calling “you’re half a length up… on the ladies!”. The Temple finished 3rd in their final, close behind Newcastle’s Temple A. In the greatest success of the day, PA ‘B’ won the university 4+ event, beating out an Edinburgh 4+ by 6 seconds.

Overall it was a very successful weekend for the squad which set everyone up for HRR well.

Island A racing amongst men’s eights

PA ‘B’ with their University 4+ prizes

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